Sunday, November 28, 2010

IR Blogpost 1-NYT > Books

Main Article: "Only Collect"

This article is about Steve Martin's third book, "An Object of Beauty." The story is about a girl who is sought after for her looks by several men, including the narrator (as the title entails). However, the girl cares not for them; she is more interested in art. Martin's expertise in art is evident throughout the story.
What is Martin saying about men having the narrator being one of the guys chasing the main character?
How did Martin come across such a strange idea for his novel?
I think it's very interesting that Steve Martin is writing novels, and that it's good for people to try new things.
Article: "An Object of Beauty"
pratfalls-stupid and humiliating actions
paean-a song of praise or triumph


  1. That book sounds really neat. I like reading stories about art. Good post, look forward to following you!

  2. I had no idea that Steve Martin was an author. When I think of him, I think of Little Shop of Horrors, Cheaper by the Dozen, and SNL appearances. Maybe I will pick up one of his books one of these days.
